Tuesday, April 2, 2013

ITEM #4: Personal Essay

Life and Film
When I was around twelve years old, growing up in a small town in Ohio, the majority of my activities were derived from imagination. My friends and I would wander around the forests surrounding our neighborhood, we would walk the railroad tracks, and we would create worlds to reside in. One of my good friends had a small camera and that is all we needed to transform our play into purpose. The most vivid memory, of one of the stories we created, was a World War II movie. The movie was set in the middle of winter, a season which our playful creations were imperative in getting us through. The first shot was a series of boots running through the muddied snow. We didn't have many props and absolutely no special effects but we tried to create a story. The story was about a group of American soldiers fighting their way out of a harsh season and a fight that was brutal as well as foreign. To this day I am not sure what happened to that movie, it may be tucked away in some cardboard box in one of my friend's parent's basements, but the memory is forever with me.
Two summers ago, I finished working the salmon season in Alaska and I went back to Ohio for a vacation. I arrived with a small treatment, a storyboard, and a DSLR camera, all products of my time in the North. The same group of guys that I have known since I was eight, welcomed the idea of shooting another movie, and taking ourselves back to a world we enjoyed when we were young. After two weeks of mid-west humidity and summer thunderstorms, I left Ohio with a series of shots on my memory cards and a heavy dose of nostalgia. Once the editing on the short movie was completed, I was moved in discovering that myself and my brothers were able to construct a visual piece worth being pleased with.
The major which I am applying for in the School of Media Arts and Studies is Integrated Media. I wish to take the knowledge and experience that I have been acquiring and apply it to making independent feature length films. One of the biggest lessons that I took away from my Evolution of Media class was; there are always new inventions in the creative fields and it continues to evolve. The world of film production has gone from simple Lumiere cameras to advanced 3D rigs in just over one hundred years. Seeing the trend in technology advancing both excites and scares me. My biggest wish is to make films with the same style and tools that our forefathers made some of the biggest masterpieces in cinema with. Although the new toys and the fast paced action in large budget mainstream films is entertaining, I would like to focus my efforts on not just entertaining but on revealing more about the world around us. With the base in film production that Ohio University has given me, I long to create worlds on screens, bring dreams to the waking life, show the past as it was, and imagine the future in whatever it may become.

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