Tuesday, April 2, 2013

ITEM #5: Weakness

Freak: The Power of Uniqueness

I found the section focusing on our own uniqueness spoke the most to me. It is apparent that we all have strengths and weakness, those of which are very closely related. I feel that Rendall's suggestions are valid and that it is important to embrace your own quirks. To many people a certain character quirk can be off putting but maybe that is just you. So, if you stick with your quirk, then you will attract someone who will genuinely recognize you for you. This is ultimately important in my creative work, if I know and believe ultimately in a choice that I have made, then I have to trust it will be recognized by the people that I would like it to be recognized by in the first place.

Freak Factor: Putting Your Quirks to Work

This section of Rendall's article seemed very closely related to the previous section I discussed but I felt it went into more insightful details. It was valid in both of the recommendations for the individual and the manager, the individual needs to become more aware of what is not working for their quirks and the manager needs to find others that are the right freaks for them. In the creative field, especially film production, it is difficult to find the right people to work with. Everyone has their own strengths and everyone brings their weaknesses to the production. I think it is more important to work with people you know you can work with then trying to get people just based on their strengths. Most often for me I find that the people that are sometimes the right technical fit are the furthest from the right creative fit.

Personally speaking, what have you identified as a weaknesses (as far as “the creative process” is concerned)?

The creative process for myself is one that is an ocean of diversity. It is being able to swim through that ocean and find the right islands to reside on. I have found that my best work in creating films is done when I am working with people that share similar taste, not just in film but in music, food, booze, and literature. My biggest weaknesses in the creative process is getting started. I have to always consider the right timing and the right application for my project. A lot of times I start too quick and put out something that I know could be better. So ultimately for me it comes down to taking the time to develop and really flesh out an idea before rushing into it. I also cannot stand when projects do not get finished in a timely manner, so sometimes I will rush on that end to make sure it gets completed. Ultimately I would like to one day be able to make something and be confident that I did everything possible and I am satisfied with the results.

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